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Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery Page 10

  "Mom! Quiet down." I chided. She continued to laugh.

  "What's so funny?" Randy asked, curiously entering the kitchen.

  "Leigha is so funny." My mother chuckled, holding her stomach from laughter pain.

  "Well I'm glad to see the two of you on better terms however, there's a serious matter that I need to discuss with Leigha." Randy intervened. His expression turned hard and wary.

  "Is this about the incident at the basketball game?" I asked cautiously. I turned to my mother, who had her arms folded over her chest. A hard frown crossed her face and it made me cringe.

  "Let's take this conversation into the living room, shall we?" Randy suggested, gesturing out of the kitchen. I could just imagine how much trouble I was getting into this time.

  In the living room, we sat in silence for an unfathomable about of time. It felt like forever. I kept my hands nervously in my lap. I decided to say my peace before I heard my fate.

  "Listen, before the both of you ground me for life, I just want to say that if I had the chance to do it all over again; I wouldn't change one thing. Those were my friends; I wasn't about to let anything happen to them."

  "So you would risk your life to save another? Your safety means nothing to you?" Randy asked. I groaned. He was starting to sound like Alexander with all the safety crap.

  "Leigha, this is serious." My mother interceded. I let my back hit the sofa as I awaited my verdict.

  "Leigha, I admire the fact that you were willing to risk your life to save your friends however, the way you went on about it was unacceptable. A matter that could have been cleaned up privately has now become a public matter." Randy explained.

  "The humans know you exist?" I asked anxiously. Randy shook his head.

  "What I mean by public Leigha is that the royals have gotten involved. It's putting the Island in a complete uproar that you were not only attacked once, but twice. The King has requested your audience. He wants to hear your story before he decides their fate." Randy explained. Okay, my mouth fell open this time.

  "Excuse me?" I said, staring at him in disbelief.

  "We only have a few days to get you prepared, and I can't let you miss anymore days at school. You're going to be a very busy lady." Randy was suddenly interrupted by the sound of his pager.

  "I'm going to have to take this. Leigha, get ready for school, Mina will be here any moment." Randy said sternly.

  "But…" I said, giving him a wayward glance. He frowned at that as he walked over to me, and buried his face in my hair. His cool body temperature was so welcoming. It was odd… Any other human would shy away from it. He pulled my mother into an intense kiss just before grabbing his lab coat and heading out of the living room. I hopped off the sofa, thankful that I had the use of my limbs and skipped up the steps to my bedroom.

  "Can I help you get ready?" My mother asked as she followed behind me. I just rolled my eyes.

  After allowing my mother to straighten my thick long hair, I quickly threw on a white cardigan, and a pair of jeans. I allowed my mother to con me into a pair of stiletto boots, a black purse, and more ridiculous jewelry before I hurried downstairs into the kitchen toward the kitchen door. I grabbed my hat and scarf, along with my jacket and headed out to the phantom. Caleb and Mina stood outside the vehicle, staring up at me in disbelief. I shrugged.

  "I know it's totally not my style, but since I'll be on the Islands in a few days, I'd better learn to get use to it.” I grumbled. Caleb chuckled and proceeded to open the passenger door.

  "Well you look lovely Leigha." He crooned. I looked over to Mina, and she looked perfect as usual. She wore a tightly fitted emerald bra-top halter dress that stopped right at the edges of her thighs with a long green jacket. She stood properly in her green stilettos, letting her brown hair flow down her shoulders.

  "Wow Mina." Was all I could manage to say. She smiled and gave me a quick wink as she gestured towards the car.

  "Mina hates to be tardy." Caleb explained.

  "Oh." I said, quickly hopping into the backseat.

  During the drive, I felt compelled to ask them just how much trouble I was in.

  "How mad is he?" I asked. Mina laughed. Caleb and I stared at her warily. It wasn't like Mina to behave so un-lady like.

  "That much huh?" I grumbled.

  "Just give the Prince some time. You gave him quite a scare Leigha. You know, all you had to do was ask him. He would have done anything for you." Caleb muttered. Mina gave him a gentle nudge. I stared at the both of them warily.

  "What is that supposed to mean?" Caleb choked on his laugh.

  "It's nothing Leigha." Mina spoke. I glared at her.

  "Stop hiding things from me." I muttered.

  Caleb pulled quickly into the school's parking lot. He performed his usual duties, assisting us out of the car. Mina followed behind me as we walked into the building.

  I was getting used to the constant stares by the students. Mina followed me to my locker.

  "Why am I getting the feeling that we are not going straight home after school?" I asked, as I hung my jacket. Mina smiled.

  "Smart girl. We're going shopping for the trip." She chanted, placing her finger on the tip of my nose. I rolled my eyes.

  "We don't have much time. I have to cram you with months of training in only a few days. You know, you brought this all on yourself." She chided. I groaned, looking away from her.

  "Do you think he'll stop being mad anytime soon?" I asked. I had a million questions to ask Alexander." Mina rolled her eyes.

  "Leigha, when are you going to learn?" She said, shaking her head.

  Of course, I had to participate in another horrific day of gym. However, it was odd how the students were reluctant play with me. Even the coach was a little off, asking me if I just wanted to sit out for the day. I was perfectly fine, anxious actually.

  I elated to have lunch finally. I made myself a quick soup and salad as I walked over to Tiffany's table. To my surprise, Naomi wasn't there. I wasn't sure whether to be relieved, or worried.

  "Hey guys." I greeted as I sat down.

  "Not sitting with your new friend today?" Tiffany asked, gesturing towards Mina and Caleb's table. I rolled my eyes.

  "She has close ties with Prince Alexander. And she's training me for court." I explained to the girls.

  "Really? You should invite us over one day. You know, so we can meet her." Tiffany suggested.

  "Where's Naomi?" I asked, looking around the cafeteria.

  "She's not feeling well." Jenny answered just before biting into her salad.

  "Oh." I said blankly, staring down at my soup.

  "Can you believe we have that field trip tomorrow? I so totally don't want to go.” Tiffany grumbled.

  "What trip?" I asked, staring at them warily. Jenny rolled her eyes.

  "I swear, you miss anymore school, and people will begin to think you're being homeschooled. It's the trip to PU." Jenny grumbled.

  "Oh god, I totally forgot about that." I murmured.

  "Just make sure you're wearing good walking shoes." Tiffany reminded. I nodded. I was actually grateful for the reminder.

  "So, do you have any plans after school?" Tiffany asked.

  "Actually, I have to go shopping with Mina." I said, gesturing towards her.

  Tiffany groaned as she looked in their direction. I turned to see what could have killed Tiffany's mood so quickly.

  "They are so in love. It's almost painful to watch." Tiffany grumbled, gesturing towards the loving couple. They were doing nothing out of the normal. Caleb admired Mina as usual, while Mina fumbled through another catalog. I shrugged indifferently.

  "What?" I asked her. Tiffany gave me a bewildered expression.

  "I don't see how you can stand it. They're always all over each other." I snickered. I could just feel the envy, rolling off her body.

  "They're in love. What's wrong with that?" I asked, looking back at the happy couple. I hoped to find someone that would cherish me that way
someday. Someone with a pulse at least. I looked back at Mina and Caleb who were happily admiring each other at their table. I knew they could hear my gossiping friends.

  "It's just so irritating. They don't go a day without being in each other's arms. It's like damn, can she get a breather or something." Tiffany grumbled. I rolled my eyes.

  Clearly, the girls had no clue of the power of soul mates. I so involved in that aspect of the Chronicles that actually seeing it first hand was a little taboo. Mina was Caleb's lifemate. That much was clear. I hadn't realized how normal I had considered their public displays of affection. Maybe it was because I was so used to seeing my Mother and Randy all cuddled up together.

  "Well I'll admit it is a little odd, but they are in love." I defended. Tiffany rolled her eyes.

  "In love? The two of them are practically obsessed with each other." She argued.

  "Jealous much?" Jenny asked. Tiffany gave her a rough nudge.

  Gregory entered the cafeteria with his entourage of football and basketball jocks. I let my head drop, focusing on my salad.

  "Leigha… It's so good to see you back at school." He said all too loudly. He rudely walked over to Mina's table, giving her a quick flirtatious wink, and grabbing a chair.

  "You are so rude Greg." Jenny grumbled.

  "Oh they won't miss it." Greg countered, as he sat beside me. Another friend of his filled Naomi's seat. I groaned as Greg causally threw his arm around my shoulder.

  "So ladies, who's riding with papa tomorrow?” He asked annoyingly. I groaned as I looked over my shoulder to find Caleb and Mina glaring at Greg.

  Here we go…

  * * * * *

  Pacific University

  Shopping was definitely not my idea of a relaxing day after school. Mina dragged me into Portland for some shopping. The only enjoyment I actually got out of the trip was the refreshing quiet drive down the highway.

  I drifted off into my private thoughts while Caleb and Mina continued to admire each other. Mina must have dragged me to more than ten stores. I was exhausted on the way home. I had two articles to write, an essay to write for English, and I had to study for a Biology exam. I groaned as I followed behind Caleb into the house.

  "Long day?" My mother asked as she assisted Caleb with my shopping bags.

  "Umm, yeah." I stated the obvious. I flopped down on the sofa, curling into a ball.

  "She should get some rest. We have to be at school early, for the trip to the University." Mina spoke, handing my mother a particular bag.

  "Make sure she wears this." Mina murmured.

  "See you tomorrow Leigha." Caleb waved, grabbing onto his lifemate and pulling her out of the living room.

  "So, she's my personal stylist now?" I grumbled, pulling myself into a sitting position on the sofa. My mother hurried into the kitchen and quickly returned with a dish of appetizers. I stared at her blankly.

  "I'm having a small gathering tomorrow at the house while you're on campus. Try these, and let me know if they are any good." She suggested eagerly.

  "Mom, you're not even going to be human long. Are you sure you want to get so close to the locals?" I asked her warily.

  She stared at me blankly, clearly perturbed about something.

  "Mom, is everything alright?" I asked her. She shrugged, placing the tray of appetizers on the coffee table.

  "I guess I'm a little nervous about this weekend. We are going to meet the King. I'm not sure if he's going to give us his blessing." She confessed.

  "I don't understand. Why does that matter?" I asked her.

  "Actually, we aren't legally married until the King gives us his blessing, and we marry before his Priest." She explained.

  Referring back to the Chronicles again, I knew much about the customary lifestyle of urban Vampire. They weren't so undead anymore. They were actually very modernized. They held an all-new lifestyle of their own.

  "Mom, please stop worrying. There's no reason why you should be worrying about this right now." I told her sternly. My mother sighed and pulled me into a hug. If keeping herself busy would keep her from becoming a complete disaster, I would do my best to encourage her. I pulled away and popped one of the mini sandwiches in my mouth.

  "Delicious mom!" I cheered. She smiled at me.

  "Really?" She asked, clearly needing a confidence boost.

  "Of course mom. You are going to blow them away." I assured her.

  I excused myself off to bed. I knew that my mother was very lonely, with Randy working some crazy hours at the hospital. Once she was accepted into Royce's court, she would finally be able to be social the way she wanted to be. I quickly brushed my teeth, changed into some pajamas, and jumped into my bed. I hurt myself, falling onto something cold and hard. I pulled the Chronicles out from under me, and adjusted myself on the bed.

  This silly little book held more truth than the actual bible. It was almost a little disturbing. My fantasy book was now my guidebook to the world of the unknown.

  I did not want to go on this field trip. I stood beside Tiffany and Jenny, curiously looking around for Naomi.

  "Did anyone call her?" I asked. Tiffany shrugged.

  "I did. She said she has the flu or something." Jenny explained.

  "Maybe we should all stop by and see if she needs anything." I suggested. Tiffany's face quickly twisted into a frown as Maria approached us. A typical Goth, wearing a black corset and a pair of tightly fitted black jeans.

  "Leigha…" She said, glaring at me. I knew the obvious. I hadn't been avoiding her, I was just stuck with all this stupid training.

  "Umm, you must be in the wrong line freak show." Tiffany grumbled. Maria smiled and placed her hands over her hips.

  "Actually, I think I'm in the right line. I'm standing next to the double-mint twins." She assured, gesturing towards Tiffany and Jenny's similar outfits. Honestly, I did find it a little strange that the two of them were always dressing alike.

  "Alright! I'm chilling with the babes and freaks!" Greg annoyingly shouted as he casually wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I groaned.

  "Greg, can you be any less annoying?" I grumbled, pushing his arm off me.

  "Don't be that way baby… I was just making myself more comfortable." He joked.

  "Is there a problem Leigha?" Caleb asked, staring at me warily. Greg laughed as he took a step back.

  "Cool your jets man, I was only playing around." Greg said defensively. Caleb held out his hand to me.

  "Leigha, why don't you and Maria ride with us?" Caleb suggested. Maria gave Tiffany a wayward look, before following behind us.

  "What was that all about?" I asked as Caleb assisted us into the back of the Phantom.

  "Tiffany and Maria are rivals. They were actually best friends at first until the incident." Mina explained. Maria stared at her blankly.

  "Umm, could we all pretend to be normal for just a few hours?" I whined. Everyone just stared at me.

  The drive to the University was short and sweet. I was thankful for that. During the tour, Caleb and I watched in awe as Mina and Maria totally hit it off. Maria fumbled though Mina's magazine, giving her pointers on couture.

  "Umm, I didn't know Maria knew anything about fashion."

  "Maria is Tiffany's next door neighbor." Caleb explained. Well, that shut me up.

  "What do you think of the University?" Caleb asked me as we entered the cafeteria.

  While the fashion queens conversed over the latest Macy's catalog, Caleb assisted me to my seat.

  "How's your thirst love?" Caleb asked, looking towards Mina. She gave him a slight grin and nodded for him to get her something.

  "Can I get you anything Leigha?" Caleb asked. I looked over to Maria and Mina who were looking to me for advice on an outfit.

  "Actually, I think I'll join you." I said, excusing myself from the table.

  "You are not like the statistics at all Leigha." Caleb observed as he grabbed a coffee mug.

  "Let me guess, there's ducks blood on the sc
hool menu." I murmured. Caleb rolled his eyes.

  "Is it really ducks blood?" I asked him discreetly. He held out the warm mug to me.

  "Give it a try." Caleb grinned. I frowned and pushed the stinky mug away.

  "No thanks. I'm just going to go grab some snacks. I'll meet you back at the table.

  "Don't stay away too long." Caleb warned. As I headed to the small convenience store nearby, I noticed Tiffany and Jenny conversing with a familiar exotic woman.

  "I just love your outfit. Where did you get it from?" Tiffany asked, admiring her blue long-sleeved henely tee. The beautiful tall blonde-haired woman stood confidently over my friends. She stared at her nails, feigning acknowledgement that someone was even conversing with her. Tiffany and Jenny stood anxiously, awaiting her reply. He beautiful blue eyes shot toward me immediately, as I took my place protectively in between the girls. I reached down in my sweater, and pulled out my charm. She grinned wickedly.

  "Tamera, I got your snacks. Let's get out of here." A familiar voice spoke as she came to stand beside her. The small pixie girl stood confidently beside the exotic female. She was a natural blonde, her naturally romantic hair flowing freely past her shoulders. Tamera looked like she belonged in the Amazon somewhere. Men literally threw themselves at her; her beauty was undeniable.

  On the other hand, small pixie friend was an odd little figure. She was ordinary, fitting in perfectly with the townsfolk. She took me in, flashing her normal white teeth. She held a small over bite, and her bright green eyes went evenly with her creamy white skin. She kept her jet-black hair short and pixie-like, and she wore a regular fitted plain white tee, with a pair of tan kakis with white sneakers. She was definitely not the image of someone I would imagine standing beside the exotic Princess.

  "We meet again. What are the odds?" The small woman asked. Tamera folded her arms over her chest. She seemed perturbed about something as she glared at me. Tiffany and Jenny looked to me warily.

  "Wow, I didn't know you knew Tamera and Tia." Tiffany said in an awe tone.

  "Tia is it?" I asked, extending my hand to greet her. Tia smiled and accepted my invitation, shaking my hand.