Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery Read online

Page 11

  "Leigha Lowery." She spoke back. I nodded.

  "So, you survived the torrent." She observed, staring at me. Tamera was not amused.

  "I'm Tiffany, and this is our friend Jenny." Tiffany introduced, giving me a nudge.

  "Ow." I grumbled, rubbing my shoulder.

  "Nice to meet you both." Tia answered. She gave Tamera a stern look and she groaned.

  "Ladies." She spoke in a heavy accent. Tamera feigned a smile at the three of us.

  "Please forgive my friend. She's not very verbal." Tia explained.

  "I'm hungry." Tamera pouted. "Come little one…" Tamera patted Tia on her head like a small puppy. "Let's eat." She crooned.

  "Well, hopefully we will see each other again." Tia spoke. Tamera pulled her eagerly, and Tiffany and Jenny opened a pathway for them both.

  "Oh my god! Why didn't you say you knew Tia and Tamera?" Tiffany scolded. I shrugged indifferently. Actually, I didn't know Tia and Tamera. I knew a witch and her guardian. Maria was actually the one that had more insight on the two girls.

  "Actually, I was introduced by Maria. She's close friends with them.” Tiffany groaned.

  "How come the freak show knows everyone personally?" Tiffany grumbled, heading down the chip station.

  "Tiffany, the calories, remember?" Jenny chided.

  I grabbed a bottled juice and headed back to the table.

  "I see you've met some old friends." Caleb observed as I sat beside him. Maria and Mina looked up at me warily.

  "Actually, I just ran into them while I was grabbing a juice." I defended. Maria looked over, to see Tia and Tamera at the meat bar.

  "So Maria, just how many of the unknown are you aware of?" Caleb asked curiously. He took a small sip from his coffee mug. Maria shrugged indifferently.

  "Not many. Tia and Tamera actually saved me from a wolf attack a few years back. I owe them my life." Maria explained.

  "So the witch and her guardian have been around a while?" Caleb asked.

  "Tia has always been here. Tamera arrived two years ago. She started out as a foreign exchange student, and then she changed into a relative. The town just assumed she was adopted into the family, but I knew otherwise." Maria explained.

  "Speaking of wolves…what exactly is going to happen to them?" I asked curiously.

  "They'll be brought before the council. If the King finds that their coven is unstable, he'll have them put down. We cannot risk the intervention of the Cleaners. At least, not now." Mina explained.

  "A trial? But they're vicious beasts." I argued.

  "Leigha, they were only acting out of their natural abilities. Savagery among our kind is fading however; it is still in existence. It is a slow process. If the King feels that they cannot be converted to the new lifestyle, he will have no choice but to do what is right ." Caleb explained.

  "The King is a very just man. He will know what to do." Mina assured.

  "Man…" I scoffed. Caleb and Mina frowned at me.

  "Leigha, would you prosecute a lion if it left its home for ten years, only to come home to find you residing there?" I frowned at Caleb. He just had to put it in hypothetical terms. I had to admit it though; this was the reason why they kept themselves a secret from mankind. I was all for sending out a lynch mob, when they were simply practicing their hunting skills. I groaned.

  "And if they are not willing to convert to the "new" lifestyle?" I quoted him.

  "Then you can send out your lynch mob." Caleb laughed. I snapped my mouth shut.

  "You're telepathic?" I asked. He nodded.

  "You have some very interesting thoughts." Caleb laughed and Mina joined in with him.

  "Wonderful, just wonderful." I grumbled.

  After lunch, we resumed the tour. As we entered the science lab, I was a bit tired from walking. I wasn't very comfortable in my white sneakers. I climbed onto an empty desk to rest my feet. Caleb walked over to me, concern heavy on his face.

  "Is everything alright Leigha?" He asked.

  "Yeah, I'm just a little tired." I murmured.

  "Do you want me to wait with you?" Caleb asked, placing a hand on my shoulder.

  "No, go on. I just need a break. I'll catch up with you." I assured. Caleb nodded and left to catch up with Mina and Maria. I closed my eyes and placed my fingers over my temples. I felt like my body was suffering from an overload. Maybe this mythical alternate universe was just too much to handle. I'm not sure how Maria could handle walking around with the undead so casually, but it was a bit overwhelming for me.

  I couldn't shake the feeling I felt. Suddenly, I was the keeper of secrets and lies. I didn't like keeping secrets, and I certainly wasn't a liar. At least back then, when my innocence was still a virtue.

  Excuse me Miss… are you alright?" A soft voice asked.

  I looked up to see another male model standing over me. I rolled my eyes. There was no way someone with such a perfect face could be human.

  "Yep, I'm just peachy." I grumbled, hopping off the desk. I couldn't resist taking in another glance at his perfect face. He wasn't as wondrous as Alexander, but this guy sure knew how to hold his own. He was a very tall, exotic looking young man. His blonde hair and perfect blue eyes… He reminded me of Tamera.

  "Werecat." I grumbled under my breath.

  "Excuse me?" He asked warily. Well, it looks like I struck a nerve. I need to catch up with my friends.

  "Oh nothing, I was just thinking aloud. Listen, I'm fine. Thanks for checking on me." I said.

  * * * * *


  As I started to walk off, the handsome blonde-haired man began to follow behind me. I wasn't sure what he wanted, but he was starting to annoy me.

  "I'm sorry; can I help you with something?" I asked; annoyance heavy in my voice.

  "Actually, I'm just a little disturbed." He responded in a sultry voice. The sweet scent of his breath brushed across my face, causing me to shudder.

  "A beautiful woman such as yourself is all alone. It's almost criminal to leave you so alone and vulnerable." He spoke sincerely. I rolled my eyes.

  "Okay Casanova. I think I'm going to go find my friends now." I laughed.

  "It's Jason. Jason Walton." He introduced, causing me to pause as I headed towards the greenhouse.

  "Leigha Lowery." I responded. I felt compelled to do so.

  "Thank you Leigha."

  "Your gratitude is unnecessary." I argued, heading off to catch up with the others. Besides, Caleb would worry and I couldn't risk that. I was startled by Greg as I entered the greenhouse.

  "Oh!" I gasped, placing my hand over my heart. He practically sent me into a cardiac arrest.

  "What are you doing?" I asked. I couldn't hide the annoyance in my voice.

  "What were you doing alone with that guy?" He asked, pointing towards my charm. I glared at him.

  "He was just checking on me. Mind your own business Greg." I grumbled, pushing past him.

  I caught up quickly with Tiffany and Jenny whom were examining a flyer.

  "Deathrocks?" I asked, pulling the flyer from Jenny's hands.

  "Someone gave it to us in the cafeteria. Our first invite to a college party." Jenny said excitedly.

  "We're only sixteen Jenny. We can't go to a party like this." I complained. As I started to crumble the paper, Tiffany snatched it form my hands.

  "We are very mature for our age. Besides, it's not like you can come along anyway." Tiffany spoke, gesturing towards my charm. I glared at her. Sometimes I wish I could open up her eyes and expose her to the reality of things. She had no idea of the danger she was constantly getting herself into.

  "But you're not even Gothic. Why would you want to be caught dead in a place like this?" I asked. Tiffany gestured to Jason, standing beside two extremely handsome men.

  "I'm going wherever they are going." Tiffany murmured as she continued to gawk at them. I placed my hands on my hips sassily.

  "Can't the two of you just try to stay out of trouble?" I whined. Tiffany
rolled her eyes. I groaned and walked over to Maria, Mina, and Caleb. I couldn't resist taking one final glance at Jason, whom in return was already gazing at me.

  During the drive back to Banks, Jason consumed my thoughts. Caleb looked as if something were bothering him. Mina stared at her lifemate warily. It was a silent drive as we pulled onto campus. Caleb assisted Maria out of the Phantom and walked her to her car. I squirmed in my seat, anxious to be heading home.

  "Your day is not over young lady. We still have some etiquette training. I groaned. Just how much more work was it going to take before I was officially considered a lady.

  I pouted as I stormed into the kitchen where my mother stood, cleaning up the dishes from her guests.

  "Mina, I'm really tired today. Can't we just take a break?" I complained.

  "You brought this one on yourself Leigha. You must be prepared for your visit to the Islands. Your behavior is a reflection on Randy and your mother." She explained. I looked to my mother, whom gave me pleading eyes.

  "Ugh!" I groaned, flopping down on the sofa. Where had Alexander disappeared off to? Was he really that upset with me? As much as I hated to admit it, I missed him. I feigned acknowledgement of Mina's courses in dining and table etiquette. This made absolutely no sense at all. Since when did Vampires eat at the dinner table? I couldn't stifle my laugh. Mina glared at me.

  "Are you paying any attention Leigha?" Mina complained.

  "I just don't see why all of this is so useful?" I grumbled. Mina rolled her eyes, placing the notepad on the table.

  "Something is bothering you. What's going on?" Mina asked. I stared at her blankly. Of course, something was wrong with me. Everything was wrong with me. My mind was registering the fact that mythical creatures were real, I had a sick obsession for Prince Alexander (but hell, who didn't?), and I was crushing over a typical college hottie. My hormones were driving me insane; I was constantly putting my life in danger to save my 'blinded' friends and to top all of that off, I was swamped with schoolwork. I rolled my eyes at her.

  "Okay, maybe we should take a break for a moment." She suggested. I drew in a deep breath.

  "Leigha, maybe you should get out of the house for a few hours. I know you could use a moment to be normal." My mother suggested.

  "That sounds perfect! Exactly what she needs." Mina agreed.

  "Are there any places you thought of going to? I'm sure there are some cool hotspots for you teens." Mina gave her a wayward glance.

  "Oh Mina, you know what I mean." My mother fussed. Mina lightened her stern face and focused her attention on me. I suppose she was waiting for me to come up with the place.

  "Well, Tiffany and Jenny are heading up to this club called Deathrocks." I suggested. Mina frowned at that.

  "Well you cannot go there alone. It's a haven for 'our type'." She explained.

  "Then I must go. I cannot let anything happen to them." I said sternly.

  "Why do you feel like it's your obligation to protect them? They are constantly in the midst of trouble. You cannot be there for them all the time Leigha." Mina warned.

  "They are my friends Mina. It would just kill me if something happened to them." I said in my defense. I could still tell that Mina didn't agree with my actions.

  "Will you please come with me, just to check in on them?" I begged. Mina shrugged indifferently.

  "I don't have much of a choice now, do I?" She asked. I wasn't quite sure what she meant when she asked me that question, but I ignored it and hurried up the steps to change into something more appropriate for our visit. Mina looked perfect for any occasion.

  I threw on a long black cardigan and some leggings. I let my wavy hair flow over my shoulders, and I double-checked my charm necklace, making sure it was in place. I took a quick glance at my face. I groaned from my horrific look. I looked so plain. Maybe I should start wearing some makeup.

  I skipped down the steps and met up with Mina and my Mother in the kitchen. Caleb entered and moved to stand beside his lifemate. My mother beamed. I rolled my eyes.

  "Are you ladies ready to go?" He crooned, fiddling with a few loose strands of her hair. Mina looked towards me and I quickly grabbed my jacket and wallet.

  "We won't be out late mom." I promised, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  "Hope you meet someone nice…" My mother cheered.

  During the drive back into Forest Grove, I sent Maria a quick text on my blackberry, and I was surprised to hear that she was already there. I frowned at that. Did anyone care about their safety these days?

  I stared out the window at the darkening clouds. It was amazing watching the nightfall over. The clouds quickly cleared the way for the huge bright moon, exposing the bright twinkling stars. I could never get tired of the scenery here.

  I hadn't realized it, but we were already turning into the parking lot of the bar, just a few blocks from the campus. I could definitely see myself attending this University within the next few years. These days, I had no idea what the future held. I was fighting day by day, just to keep my friends alive.

  Caleb pulled in front of the valet and assisted us out of the car. I followed behind them, as they led the way holding hands. Deathrocks was fully packed as we entered. Caleb led us through a long dark hallway that led quickly into the main lobby of the club.

  "Should we do VIP?" Mina suggested to me.

  "Sure, go ahead. I'm going to look for the girls." I shouted over the loud music. Mina rolled her eyes.

  "You don't have to shout Leigha. I can hear you perfectly." She reminded. I cringed at that. It's not my fault she's a super freak. Caleb must have picked up on my eternal reverie, because he covered his mouth to try a stifle a laugh. He wasn't successful. Mina gave him the glare of death and he straightened his composure.

  "I don't like that idea Leigha. If you want to walk around, take Caleb with you." She suggested. I looked over to Caleb and my mind screamed, "total mood killer". Caleb frowned.

  "Stay out of my head." I chided.

  "How much trouble can I get in just by walking around the club? Lighten up Mina. I won't stay gone long, and I'm pretty sure that the both of you are very well attuned to my heartbeat. So please, stop acting like annoying parents and let me be." I said sternly. Mina glared at me. Caleb wrapped his arm casually around Mina's waist to intercede.

  "Alright Leigha, we will try it your way for a while. However, if it doesn't work out, then you will have to join us in the VIP lounge. I'll be checking on you." He warned. I threw my arms around the ice-cold vampires, and decided to blend into the crowd inconspicuously. I texted Maria to get her location, and proceeded to the Goth section. I would make my rounds to look for Tiffany and Jenny later on. I decided to stop by the bar first, to grab something to drink. I ordered a cherry coke, and pulled out a few bucks to pay the bartender. He stared at me blankly, pushing the money away.

  "It's already been taken care of." He shouted over the music, gesturing to the familiar face behind me. I beamed internally. Jason Walton, the handsome college student was standing in front of me. I took a sip of my coke, trying to be casual.

  "I didn't expect to see you here." He said, gesturing towards my plainness. I shrugged indifferently.

  "Well I wasn't going to sit at home all alone while all of my friends were out partying." I grumbled. He smiled, flashing his perfect white teeth.

  "Do you want to go somewhere and talk?" He offered and it was too difficult to resist.

  "I'm actually supposed to catch up with a friend. But, maybe later." I regretfully declined. I was literally slapping myself in my thoughts. But I was too busy admiring his bulging muscles through his tightly fitted black sweater. Oh my goodness, he looked and smelled so delicious. I hadn't realized that I had totally downed my soda within just a few gulps. It was so hot in here.

  "Can I get you another one before you go?" He offered. I rolled my eyes. If I didn't get away from the god-like creature, I was going to commit a crime.

  "No thanks. I'll catch
up with you before I leave." I said, quickly sliding by him. I used my hands to fan myself as I finally reached the Goth area of the club. I grinned wickedly as I saw Maria on the dance floor, sandwiched up with some strange men.

  The hard base from the music rumbled through my body, pulling me quickly into a trance. I found myself on the dance floor, dancing with Maria and the two men for a long moment.

  When the D.J. decided to take a break, Maria escorted me over to her table and asked the men to bring us something to drink.

  "This place is wild isn't it?" She yelled excitedly. I frowned at her.

  "There are vampires in here Maria." I chided.

  "Calm down Leigha. They are not all like that. They are under the conversion code, so they mingle with us instead." She explained. I was confused for a moment.

  "Leigha, they are modernizing. They've found other ways to coexist. They go grocery shopping just like we do." She said as she gestured to the two men. As they ordered our cokes, I noticed the bartender serving them both something thick and red in a concealed container.

  "Eww." I said. I couldn't contain the disgust that escaped my lips.

  "Get with the program Leigha. Your version of vampires is like in extinction mode." I frowned at that.

  "Leigha! What are you doing here?" Tiffany yelled with Jenny at her side. Maria and I stared at them in disbelief. They were dressed like Goths.

  "Look who decided to convert." Maria teased.

  "Yeah well I decided if I couldn't beat the freaks, I might as well join them." Tiffany countered. Maria scowled at her. I groaned. I wasn't in the mood for their fighting tonight. This was my free night. I had to leave for the Islands in just two more days, and I wanted to enjoy my free night.

  "I heard that Prince Alexander likes to come here for leisure. I wonder if he's going to show up. I sure hope so." Jenny gossiped.

  "How's Naomi doing?" I asked.

  "Still sick. We definitely have to make that visit." Jenny reminded. I nodded.

  "Oh god, there go the hot guys we saw on campus earlier today. Let's go say hi." Tiffany said eagerly, pulling Jenny along with her. I looked over to the men and sighed in relief that it was only Jason and his friends.