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Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery Page 13

  "Naomi's still sick?" I wondered. Jenny nodded.

  "Whatever she has, it must be really bad. She's been out most of the week. She sounded so horrible over the phone yesterday. I'm starting to worry." Jenny admitted.

  "How about we stop by today, just to see if she's okay." Tiffany suggested.

  "It's not like Naomi to miss school. It's so odd." Jenny spoke. She seemed disturbed about something.

  "Yeah, she's oddly missing in action." Tiffany joked. "She's going to be furious when she finds out about those hot guys we met at Deathrocks yesterday.

  "Hot guys?" I asked. Tiffany ignored me. There was apparently, something more serious on her mind.

  "I'll tell you about someone oddly missing. Look…" She said, gesturing towards the empty table behind us. Mina and Caleb weren't in school today. I thought something was strange when Randy offered to personally drop me off at school.

  Where was everyone? Alex was gone this morning when I awoke, and Randy assured me that he just had a few errands to take care of.

  "How odd." I murmured to myself. Tiffany stared at me, curious about something.

  "Mina and Caleb never miss school, unless there is something going on at court. What's going on Leigha?" She asked. She knew since I was a newly member of Royce's court, I would have some inside information. However, the truth was not something they would want me to reveal. I had to come up with something quick.

  "Randy is presenting my mother before the King this weekend. They are supposed to be getting their wedding vows finalized." Okay, so that was a half-truth. But hey, they would look at me like I was crazy if I told them that there was also going to be a trial about the Werewolves just outside of town.

  "Oh my goodness, your mother is getting married in a few days and you said nothing?" Tiffany chided. I shrugged indifferently.

  "It's not a big deal Tiffany. They were married already in Vegas; they just need it finalized by the King.” Tiffany frowned at me.

  "You are so clueless Leigha. It's like the biggest social event that Banks has had in years. Some friend you are Leigha, keeping such information from us." Tiffany grumbled. My mouth fell open in awe. I just couldn't win with these girls.

  "I'm pretty sure my mother will be hosting something. Can I be forgiven if I give you a personal invitation?" Tiffany thought about it for a moment before she quickly agreed.

  "I suppose that will do." Tiffany muttered. She tried to hide the elation the felt within, but I saw right through her. There was one thing that I liked about these girls; they were easy to please.

  "Okay, we will meet up after school to visit Naomi. I'm going to send my Dad a quick text just to let him know what's going on." I said, pulling out my blackberry.

  "We'll need to stop at the convenience store to grab a few things. It would be rude to stop over there without anything." Jenny reminded. I shifted through my pesky purse to make sure I had the credit card that Randy gave me. It still had the activation sticker on it, which reminded me that I haven't used it since my trip to the bookstore.

  "That's fine. Listen, I'd better get going. I've got that stupid Biology test coming up." The girls flinched in unison.

  "Yeah, I know. I hate that stupid class." I grumbled as I grabbed my bags and headed to the Bio lab.

  On my way to the lab, I came across some kids on the student council posting flyers for the Spring Dance. Jeez, it wasn't even February yet. Banks High was worse than the local department store. As I entered the Biology lab, I was bewildered by the frowning faces of teenage boys, and the giggling overheated girls. Last time I checked, the Biology Instructor looked like an oversized teddy bear. Nothing worth getting all heated up about. I turned towards the chalkboard, surprised to see Jason Walton standing over my Instructors desk, holding a stack of papers. He in turn gave me a look of surprise once he saw me.

  Once we all settled into our seats, the girls silenced themselves, eager to hear his voice.

  "Good afternoon, my name is Mr. Walton. I'll be your substitute for the next few weeks. Your Instructor is currently on sick leave." He informed us. The boys erupted into a huge cheer.

  "That doesn't mean anything is going to change. He's giving me specific instructions on your syllabus. The boys began to pout. I on the other hand, was suddenly worried about my hair. I pulled a small compact mirror out of my purse and began to examine my face.

  "God, I have got to start wearing some makeup." I murmured to myself.

  "What for? You're absolutely stunning." Jason whispered to me as he handed me my exam. Oh god, I think I nearly fell off my stool. Jason closed the classroom door and the exam began. Of course, I couldn't focus on anything but Jason's constant glances towards my way.

  "Would you please stop staring? I can't concentrate." I whispered in annoyance. I stared at him bewildered, as he quickly turned towards the board and started writing something. It was as if he had heard every word I had said. I rolled my eyes. He was definitely not human.

  The hour seemed to fly by, which was a first for Biology. It was always the most horrific, long and drawn out hour. I pushed my way through the gawking teenage girls to turn in my paper. He looked up at me as if he wanted to say something. I decided to skip out quickly, before I was the cause of another scandal. Besides, I was eager to get to my sixth hour. I needed to talk with Maria.

  She was at our table, looking fabulous in her latest Goth ensemble.

  "Leigha." He said, fumbling through the case files of the Forest Park Killers.

  "Closing the file?" I asked. She looked up at me with a wide smile.

  "Finally, for the first time I can say yes and it actually is genuine."

  "I wish you were coming with me to the Islands." I told her. It would have been so nice to have a close friend with me.

  "Oh I wish I could go too. We have got to hang out tonight before you leave." Maria demanded. I grinded my teeth and Maria frowned on that.

  "What?" She asked curiously.

  "It's just that Naomi has been ill all week, and Tiffany, Jenny, and I were going to stop by just to check in on her. And I have to stop at the convenience store to get her something." She stared at me dubiously.

  "And your personal security is going to allow you to travel alone?" Maria asked in disbelief. I shrugged.

  "Honestly, I don't know what's going on. Everyone's oddly missing right now. Maria and Caleb didn't show up to school today, Alexander disappeared before I woke up this morning, and I just texted Randy to let him know that he didn't have to pick me up, and he didn't even care." Maria shrugged.

  "Maybe the danger is finally behind us." Maria suggested.

  "Maybe. I just wish they didn't keep me in the dark about everything." Maria sighed, pointed the end of her pen towards her temple. She seemed to be in deep thought about something.

  "Well, maybe I could ride with you to visit Naomi. I'll wait in the car of course, and when you're finish, we can go to the bookstore for a latte or something." She suggested. I thought about that for a moment. It might just work if I can keep Tiffany and Maria from bumping into each other. I was still skeptical of the idea though.

  "I don't know. I really don't want the two of you fighting." I warned. Maria rolled her eyes.

  "You can ride with me into Forest Grove. I know where Naomi lives, so it's no problem." She assured. I sighed in defeat.

  "This sounds like a horrible plan, but I'll go along with it if you are sure that it's going to work." Maria beamed.

  After class, I hurried to my locker to grab my things. I need to meet up with Tiffany to let her know that I would meet her there. As I shut my locker door, I whirled and gasped as I saw Jason standing beside me.

  "Oh." I yelled, slapping my hand over my throat.

  "Sorry about that." He said, cringing.

  "What are you doing here? I mean, I thought you were a student?" I said, tucking my hair behind my ear. He smiled, flashing his irresistible white teeth. God, if I could just graze my tongue along…. Get it together Leigha! />
  "Grad school student and I sub with the school district for extra money." He explained. Great, so he was totally out of my league. I sighed.

  "So what's up?" I asked as I started to walk towards the exit. He followed beside me, placing his hands in his pockets.

  "I wanted to speak with you, but you ran out earlier." I turned my head, to hide the chagrin on my face.

  "Yeah, I was in a bit of a hurry." I muttered. He laughed lightly.

  "So, are you busy? I was hoping that maybe we could have coffee or something." He asked. I froze just outside the school steps.

  "Jason, I don't think that would be such a good idea." I warned, staring into his beautiful bright blue eyes. He was so handsome, so tasty. Every time I was close to him, I felt like I was going to explode. I never felt this way before with any man. With Alexander, it was different.

  "Why not? Is there someone else?" He asked, his eyes boring into mine. I lost my train a thought for a moment; I had to scratch my head to try and get it back.

  "No, it's not that at all. It's just that I'm not even sure if I'm allowed to date, and the fact that you're working here…" He placed his finger gently over my lips.

  "Is that all?" He asked. I nodded.

  "Then let me take you out. You must be famished." I could see the pleading in his perfect eyes.

  "I wish I could, really. But I'm going to visit a sick friend, and then I'm meeting with one of my best friends for coffee." I explained. He snickered.

  "Your time is a luxury. I see that now. Okay then, I guess I'll have to take a rain check then.” I nodded.

  "See you Monday." He murmured giving me a wayward glance as he walked off. I on the other hand, had to remind myself to breathe again.

  So far, the plan had been working out just fine. I had to promise Tiffany that Maria would keep at least a ten-foot distance, and we were well on our way to Naomi's place. At the convenience store, I grabbed a small teddy bear, and a box of halls.

  While Maria drove us into Forest Grove, I quickly put together a get-well gift basket.

  "Oh yes, Naomi is going to love this." I chanted, giving the basket a quick appraisal.

  "Yeah, sure thing Leigha." Maria teased. "Just promise me one thing." I stared at her, waiting to hear her request.

  "Please do not bring me any gift baskets when I get sick." I gave her a playful nudge.

  "Oh shut up." I told her.

  It wasn't long before we pulled up in front of Naomi's ranch-style house. Maria put the car in park after pulling just inches from Tiffany's blue Ford Escape. I could see Tiffany glaring from her rearview mirror.

  "You are so mean." I chided. Maria shrugged.

  "Just killing her with kindness." She said as she waved towards Tiffany's car.

  "Okay, I'll make this quick." I told her, hopping out of her Camaro.

  I hurried up the porch steps to join Tiffany at the door. She scowled as she rang the doorbell.

  "Oh calm down Tiffany. She's just waiting in the car." I assured her. She frowned at me.

  "Her mere presence disturbs me." Jenny rolled her eyes.

  "The two of you just need to kiss and make up. You know you miss Maria." Jenny joked. Tiffany continued to scowl at the door.

  After a few rings from the doorbell, Tiffany began to knock.

  "That's funny. All the cars are here. I wonder why no one is answering the door." Tiffany wondered. She reached for the doorknob and began to twist it.

  "It's open." Jenny murmured. Tiffany rolled her eyes. She pushed the door open to the dark house. There was nothing on. No lights, no televisions, not even a stereo.

  "Hello? Is anyone home?" Tiffany yelled as she took a step in. I drew in a deep breath, and followed behind her.

  * * * * *

  Boys, No Fighting

  Tiffany flickered on a few lights and I closed the door behind me.

  "Naomi? Are you home?" Jenny called. We spread out; Tiffany and Jenny took the main floor, while I took the upstairs.

  "Naomi?" I called out as I reached the top of the steps. I heard the sound of some heavy breathing. It sounded more like the panting of a wild animal. I drew in a deep breath before I spoke again.

  "Is anyone up here?" I called out, pushing through the first bedroom door. It was empty and dark. I hit the light switch and paced through the open room. The bed hadn't been made, and it looked as if it hadn't been slept in lately. The room was quite dusty. I quickly turned off the light and closed the door.

  In the next room, I knocked and opened the door. The heavy scent of blood turned my stomach. I flickered on the light, wishing I had never bare witnessed to such a horrific event. The room looked like a warzone; blood splashed everywhere, all over the walls, bed, and floor. I put my hand over my mouth shocked by the horror. There was a faint moaning sound on the other side of the bed. I slowly took a few steps closer, to see if anyone was still alive.

  Naomi stood over her mother, chewing casually on the flesh of her open stomach. I swallowed the vomit from my mouth. The woman looked up to me, managing to reach out to me, pleading for me to help her in silence. Her throat was clogged with her blood. The sudden movement must have startled Naomi, and she growled and dug her sharp nails deeper into her torso, causing her to lie still. After a few more gasps of air, the woman's body gave out, and I knew she was dead. I frowned, she had spent her final moments staring at me, asking me to help her and I just stood there. But what could I do, I was no match for what Naomi had become.

  Naomi swallowed the fresh flesh, and turned towards me. I could instantly tell what she had become from the silver glow in her eyes. She was a newborn Shewolf, wild and untamed. Her teeth and nails had set in, but she hadn't fully transformed. She leaned forward, growling at me. I had become her new prey. She probably wasn't hungry anymore, but I had stepped on her territory and she felt compelled to protect it. I took a few steps back, and her growls increased. She was covered in her mother's blood.

  "Leigha? What are you doing up here?" Jenny asked, walking causally into the bedroom. That was more than enough fuel to get Naomi going. Jenny noticed the blood and screamed. The noise bothered Naomi, and Jenny was now her new target. I quickly pushed Jenny out of the bedroom and slammed the door shut. Naomi crashed into the door, clawing and scratching her way out. I grabbed Jenny and pulled her down the steps.

  "Tiffany!" I screamed. Naomi's mind wasn't conscious. She wouldn't be able to figure out how to get out of her bedroom. However, it wouldn't be long before she got through it with her superhuman strength.

  "What?" Tiffany said, walking casually out of the kitchen. Jenny quickly grabbed her purse and fled to the car. I didn't bother speaking with her about the matter. I quickly grabbed her purse and pushed her out of the house.

  "Hey! What is your…" She paused as she saw ferocious Naomi running down the steps like a wild animal. I pulled the pepper spray out of my purse and as she launched for us, I sprayed her directly in her eyes, causing her to bounce back. She pouted and began to clean her face with her paws. She had gotten a good look at me, and I knew she wouldn't forget. I quickly turned the lock on the door and slammed it as I ran out. I grabbed Tiffany and pulled her to her car.

  "What is wrong with Naomi?" Tiffany screamed.

  "She's infected with some type of rabies. Get in the car. It won't be long before she blasts through that door."

  "Wait? How do you know she has rabies?" Tiffany asked.

  "Randy, my stepdad has patients like this all the time. Now get out of here before she infects you!" I yelled.

  Just as Tiffany hopped into her car and cranked the engine, Naomi was right on cue. She burst through the front door in one stride. Cleaning her face, she took one look at me. Jenny screamed and hit the lock button.

  "Get out of here Leigha!" Tiffany yelled out her window, as she put the car in reverse and pulled off.

  I remained perfectly still at the curb. Maria's Camaro was just a few steps away, but Naomi was swift. Maria had the engine cranked and th
e car in drive. She was waiting for me to make the move. I just had to wait for Naomi to slip into a crouch and then I could make my move. She was more intelligent than I gave her credit for. She leapt into the air, her aim set directly on me. I closed my eyes, and waited for impact. Something landed in front of me, and I heard a hard smack, and something crush hard onto the ground. I opened my eyes, and noticed Jason standing in front of me. He slipped into a crouch, barring his monstrous teeth. He snarled and roared at her. Naomi took a few steps back. Naomi drew in a few deep breaths, leapt onto the roof of her house, and disappeared over the roof. Jason rose to his feet and took a step forward. He was going to go after her. I grabbed his arm.

  "Wait! Where are you going?" I complained.

  "She has your scent. I have to stop her before she gets away." He said in a very husky tone. He didn't realize that he was still slightly in his cat-like form. He turned away from me, ashamed of what he had shown me. I placed my hand on my shoulder to comfort him, and to catch my breath.

  "It's okay Jason. I know you're a guardian." I assured him. He stared at me warily. I just shook my head. It's a long story. I'll tell you more about it later. I have to get Alexander over here, so that he knows what's going on. Like clockwork, my cell phone rang. It was Randy.

  "Leigha! Are you alright? Alexander got word that you were in trouble and…" I cut him off.

  "I'm fine Randy. Thanks to my friend Jason."

  "Jason?" Randy made it sound like a question. I sighed.

  "I'll tell you more about it later…" I didn't get to finish.

  "Just stay there. Alexander will be there within minutes." Randy said. He got that wrong. It was more like seconds before he teleported right beside me.

  "Leigha." He sighed in relief, taking my face between his hands.

  "I'm okay. Thanks to Jason I'm more than okay." I said, gesturing towards Jason. Alexander reluctantly took his eyes off me. Jason glared at him, and Alex glared back.