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Beautiful Sins: Leigha Lowery Page 5

  "How does that feel?" He asked. His hand felt so good against my forehead. The best answer I could give I was a stupid nod. Randy smiled. During the drive home, I noticed Randy holding my mother's hand. He seemed so happy with her. Randy seemed so happy with the both of us.

  As we pulled into the garage of our "Mansion", my mother seemed anxious. She turned in her seat to give me the most joyful smile. She was so eager to exit the truck, which Randy frowned upon her ignorance of him. She hopped out of the SUV without a turning glance and hurried through the kitchen door from the garage. Randy was still frowning as he assisted me out of the truck.

  "Alright, this must be a big surprise. Because my mom is acting like a crazy person." I laughed. She was behaving strangely. She was not one to keep a secret. I suppose I should have warned Randy of that.

  As I entered the door, I was startled by the loud sound off of "SURPRISE!" and the screams of my friends. Randy turned on the light, and I was nearly in tears as I saw, Tiffany, Naomi, Jenny, and… oh my god, Prince Alexander Sommers.

  I could see nothing but this wondrous man. He had to be at least four years older than me. But those beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes consumed me. It was like he was purposely freezing me in place. As if I held no more will over my own body. I took in a deep breath to try and pace my heart. I looked over to Randy who was glowing. What was he so happy about? Tiffany hurried over to my side to give me a huge welcoming hug.

  "Welcome home Leigha!" She yelled. Yes, this girl was entirely way too bubbly for me. She held no better position than a cheerleader. I patted her back gently. Naomi and Jenny both greeted me as well, and then Prince Alexander stood before me. I had seen this very act done in a hundred plays, movies and yet I still could not perform it with perfection.

  As I began to kneel to bow before the royal figure, he quickly brought his cool finger to my chin and I froze.

  "Please, don't bow for me. I am nothing more than a man." He stated. I stared at him, bewildered. Oh great—another royal figure in denial. The young ones were always like that.

  "But you're high…" He lifted his finger from my chin and placed it over my lips. I could taste the sweet honey scent of him on my tongue. Whoa, his charms were effortless.

  "I'm simply Alexander. That goes for all of you." He instructed. Everyone nodded in unison.

  "Umm, may I speak with you alone?" I asked him, my face turning ten shades of red. He smiled that perfect smile of his and it made my heart skip a beat.

  "Certainly." He answered softly. My mother was practically fighting the urge to explode. She was more ecstatic than I had ever seen her.

  The Prince followed me into my living room. I was so nervous; I mostly paced around the fireplace, contemplating what I was going to ask him.

  "Thank you." Was all that escaped my lips. It was a timid offer of gratitude, he deserved far more however, it was all I could give him. He was simply too beautiful for words. He smiled, and it almost seemed as if he were fighting the urge to reach out to me.

  "You're welcome." He answered. His voice was so sultry. I bet he didn't even realize it.

  "You didn't have to go through all the trouble for all of this. I'm fine, really." He shook his head and his smile widened. He skimmed his fingers along the white sofa, never taking his eyes off of me.

  "There was no trouble at all." He murmured, moving closer to me. My body lost its will again and I actually frowned this time. He chuckled. He reached out to me, and his perfect fingers played in my long wavy hair.

  "No trouble at all." He whispered, moving closer to me. I closed my eyes and drew in a deep breath. Was this Prince going to kiss me?

  "Honey? Oh!" My mother said, and before I could open my eyes, she was already out of the room. I looked over to the Prince, and his face was just inches from mine.

  "Your mother said that you favored chocolate." He crooned, his cool sweet breath blew in my face as he spoke again. It nearly knocked me unconscious.

  "I brought a cake. I heard, it's customary for parties." I shook my head, trying to remove the stupor, but it didn't work. I frowned. He stared at me, his expression bewildered.

  "I'm sorry, maybe I was mistaken."

  "No!" I shouted stupidly. I instinctively placed hand over my mouth, shielding any other stupid verbal expressions from escaping my lips. He laughed. He laughed so hard that he had to hold the sofa to regain his balance. Damn, was my stupidity that funny? I frowned at him.

  * * * * *

  Learning the New Way

  I felt like a science project as the Prince watched me bite into the cake. He seemed to absorb every expression I made as I ate, and it made me feel self-conscious. I took one final bite, and pushed the plate away. The Prince and my mother both reached for my plate in unison. Randy grinned.

  "I'll get it your—I mean, Alexander. Please, relax." My mother insisted as she cleaned the table.

  "Can we call you Alex for short?" Tiffany asked eagerly. He chuckled.

  "That's new. I like it." He said.

  "Aren't you hungry?" I asked. He frowned.

  "Actually, I already ate." Randy laughed with him, as if it were some hidden joke. I looked to Randy's untouched plate and frowned.

  "Well, it's getting late. We've got school tomorrow, and cheer practice along with it." Tiffany crowed. Randy and Alex both rose in unison, assisting Tiffany and the girls from their chairs.

  "I'd better get going as well. We will see you at the charity ball right?" Alexander asked, looking to me. I gulped. Gowns and dancing were not exactly in my current vocabulary.

  "Actually, we may have to skip this one. My new wife and daughter are not yet accustomed to our way of life. I thought I'd pull them into it slowly." Randy gracefully declined. Alex frowned.

  "I was actually hoping to see you there Leigha." Alex crooned. He seemed a bit disappointed.

  "She hasn't even had any etiquette classes. We wouldn't want to be the laughing stock of court." Randy explained. Alex sighed in defeat.

  "Very well then. You should sign them up soon; if you constantly decline my father's invitations, he will begin to worry."

  "Well, we could attend and introduce Leigha later." My mother suggested. "I took some ballroom courses back home." Randy grinned.

  Alex met my gaze and moved closer to me. He took my hand in his, pulled it to his lips, and planted a gentle kiss on the back of my hand. Gasps erupted around the room.

  "Until we meet again." He said simply. I nodded stupidly. Maybe I just needed to get some sleep.

  "Sleep well." He crooned, just before escorting the girls out the front door.

  "Well, that went well." My mother said excitedly. Randy frowned.

  "Can you calm your excitement just a little love?"

  "I'm trying, but it's so difficult to be calm when a Prince shows interest in your daughter." My mother countered.

  "Hold on—excuse me?" I interrupted, holding up my hand.

  "What do you mean by "showing interest"?" I asked. Randy glared at my mother.

  "Honey, the Prince has never showed interest in anyone before last night. And he stayed with you all night while you were resting. Then he came here, and suggested we throw you a surprise party." My mother explained. I couldn't control my mouth from falling open that time. Wow, did she just tell me that the Prince was interested in me?

  "Umm, I think I need to go lie down." I said. This day had become entirely too taxing.

  "Are you alright Leigha? It's the middle of the day." I groaned.

  "I know. But I've already missed a day of school, and I need to get some research done for my column. The show must go on." I said, heading up the steps. I hurried into my room and slammed the door shut. I leaned my head against the door and closed my eyes. I needed to process that information.

  A Prince, interested in a young naive 16-year-old girl? Highly unlikely. I shook my head, laughing and headed over to my computer desk.

  As I turned on my monitor, I shifted my mouse, accidently knocking
over the file of police reports.

  "Dammit." I scowled at the scattered pile. Bending down to scrape up the paperwork, a particular report caught my eye. I paused, sitting in my desk chair, reading the report.

  "My god." I murmured. My voice was flat, a blank monotone.

  I had to argue my way to school. Randy was just so strict and stern about my health; if it were up to him, I would have been in bed all week. I was fine, better than normal. I'm not sure if it was the latest case file that I had in my bag, or my urge to get out of being conned into etiquette training. Ugh! I did not like that part of my life. Forced to become cattle for the men of court, it just wasn't my cup of tea.

  "Are you certain this is what you want?" Randy asked as he pulled front of the school doors.

  "Yes, I'll go insane if I spend another day at home. I'm not sure what's going on, but mother is starting to behave like a Stepford wife." Randy laughed at that.

  "She's just happy." He assured, stroking my hair.

  "Won't you stay home for just a few more days?" Randy pleaded. I shook my head.

  "There's something I have to do." I explained.

  "Ah, that dreadful paper you've decided to join." He grumbled. I smiled and planted a kiss on his cool cheek.

  "Would you relax? I could have turned out to be one of those lost souls back in Detroit, and you wouldn't know what to do with me." I joked. He didn't laugh.

  "See you after school?" He nodded. I bumped into Greg as I headed for my locker.

  "Long time no see stranger." He joked. I laughed half-heartedly.

  "It was only a day." I told him.

  "Yeah, but the new girl has been causing quite a stir." He said, reaching for my charm.

  "Yep, you are a lady of the court." He said, fiddling with my charm. I flinched, pulling away from him.

  "So what if I am?" I countered. He grinned wickedly, folding his arms over his chest.

  "Well first of all, that means you're off the market.” I rolled my eyes.

  "That's a good thing." I retorted moving past him. As I walked through the hall to my locker, I noticed the students staring at me like I had spinach in my teeth or something. It made me uncomfortable.

  It seemed as if my locker was miles away. I was glad to see it when I arrived. Gym first hour, I groaned at the very idea of that.

  "What's wrong with you?" A familiar voice asked. I grinned and shut my locker door.

  "Morning Maria." I said to my favorite Goth friend. Today, she wore a red and black lace halter dress, with black stockings and knee-high boots.

  "Nice…" I said, complimenting her wicked attire. She grinned, twirling in her lace dress.

  "So, where have you been, and what happened to your hand?" She asked, pointing at my bandaged hand.

  "I've been out sick, and this is nothing." I said, lifting up my aching hand vaguely.

  "Humph." She grumbled. I frowned.


  "Well, I expected you to at least be honest with your friend about your little adventure." She pouted. I gaped at her.

  "What adventure?" I asked anxiously. I paused by the girls locker room door, anxious for answers.

  "Oh come on Leigha. Your little cheerleading friends have been gossiping about you to the entire school." She informed, tugging playfully on my charm.

  "Why?" I asked, horrified. Maria chuckled.

  "Take a chill pill Leigha. It was probably Naomi. She practically runs this school, and now you've come along; testing her popularity. What did you expect?" My face fell at that. I knew it; those girls were like pure vultures. I would have a few words with them for their indiscretion.

  "So what was it like meeting the Prince? Was he as handsome as he is on television?" She asked, eagerly. I groaned.

  "I'm going to Gym now." I said, hurrying into the locker room.

  "See you 6th hour!" She yelled out to me. I could hear her chuckling from the background.

  I should have listened to Randy's pleading and stayed home. I felt like a circus freak. Everyone was staring at me. The teachers were even weird around me. I was so furious, that when lunch arrived, I actually considered fleeing the campus. But even that plan had failed me. It was pouring rain. I wasn't even hungry. I made a small salad anyway and proceeded to Tiffany's table.

  "Thanks." I said acidly. Naomi chuckled.

  "Do you think this is funny?" I asked her angrily.

  "Now, now. Please don't be angry Leigha." Jenny interceded.

  "Yeah, why does it bother you so much to be a lady of the court?" I groaned.

  "Yeah Leigha. It's a privilege. You should be grateful. You know these lands are in a state of transition. Soon, we will have to learn and abide by the new way.

  "The new way?" I questioned. Tiffany and Naomi rolled their eyes.

  "I swear Leigha, you are so clueless sometimes." Naomi chided.

  "This is the year of transition. On the final day of 2026, King Royce will sign a bill along with the President of the United States, declaring King Royce as ruler of these lands. In trade for his aid with the war against Russia, the President will give King Royce the Coast." Tiffany explained.

  "Well, what does that mean?" I asked curiously. Naomi rolled her eyes.

  "It means that American law will be no more. Royce will be able to create his own laws." Naomi grumbled.

  "Well, he seems like a just leader. Look, at all he's done for the Coast. I mean, with all the crime and high murder rate, he's given the Coast prosperity." I defended.

  "Typical of "You" to defend." Naomi countered. I frowned at her. One more rude comment and I was going to slap the smirk right off her face.

  "Oh really?" I smirked.

  "Yes, I'll admit the crime rate had depleted. I remember when there was a time when we couldn't even leave our homes. But do you really believe this King is just going to leave things as they are? Why was he so eager to save us? What does he benefit from it?" She protested.

  With that, I had no answer. I didn't know anything about this King. I leaned back in my seat and pondered about this new life I so eagerly walked into. I knew no history of this place, only whispers and gossips from old wise men and reporters.

  My brain felt like mush throughout Biology. On my way to the Journalism lab, I noticed Greg gossiping with Naomi and Jenny.

  "So typical." I muttered under my breath.

  Slamming my file on the desk, I drew in a deep breath and placed my hands over my face. I desperately needed to meditate.

  "That bad huh?" Maria asked. I looked over to her, and she was clipping an article from today's paper.

  "Another one?" I asked, pulling the clipping from her hand. It was the same M.O. as my police report.

  "Another poor, innocent little girl, mutilated in Forest Park." I murmured.

  "Yeah, it's some wild animal on the loose." A student gossiped. A loud "Huff" escaped Maria's lips.

  "Actually, if that were the case, don't you think they would have captured it by now? This is the fifth girl." Maria countered.

  The boy laughed. "Oh Maria, I'm sure it was your precious "werewolves" that are the guilty criminals of this crime." He laughed again, heading back to his station. Maria glared at him.

  "They're wrong, and when King Royce signs that bill, they will see the truth about these lands." Maria grumbled.

  "That's enough Maria." The Instructor chided. Maria rolled her eyes and went back to her studies.

  The young girl's mutilated body was too difficult to stomach. I closed the file shut and tried to pace my breathing.

  "Are you alright Leigha?" The Instructor asked.

  "I think I need to get some air." I said.

  "I'll take her to the nurse's office." Maria insisted. As we walked through the empty hall, the course of the day began to take its toll on me.

  "You know what; just let me rest here for a moment." I pleaded, leaning against the white wall.

  "Are you sure you're alright?" Maria asked.

  "Yeah, I'm just having a little
difficulty adjusting to all of this." Maria frowned.

  "It's okay. The truth is always difficult to stomach."

  * * * * *

  Curiosity Killed The Cat

  It was a quiet drive home. Randy seemed anxious to ask me how my day went, but he managed to hold his tongue, waiting for me to make the first move. I stared at Randy's cool hands becoming skeptical of his overly pale skin. What was I missing? This place… This strange place.

  "I got a call from the Principal. I heard you had some trouble in Journalism." He said, breaking the silence. I gasped.

  "I think I'm going through somewhat of a culture shock." I said. I didn't know what I was feeling. I was so confused; I had so many questions that were left unanswered. Questions that seemed so "infantile" to discuss. I was being ridiculous and I knew it.

  "I'm taking you out of school for a few days." Randy informed. I whirled, stunned and met his gaze.

  "But why? I'm fine, really." I argued.

  "I will not argue with you about this. You need to rest." His tone was final. I groaned and roughly let my head fall back in my seat.

  "But what about the paper? I have a column due." I reminded him.

  "You'll be able to finish complete your studies from home however, there will be certain limitations." He explained.

  "Limitations?" He smiled.

  "This would be a good time for your etiquette classes. The Prince has sent a recommendation. He wanted to make sure you received your training from the best."

  "And if I don't want to train?" I asked. Randy frowned.

  "Leigha my dearest. This will go smoothly if you're not difficult. Please Leigha." He pleaded. I could see a faint glow in his bright blue eyes.

  A few hours later, I allowed my mother to dress me in what she said was appropriate for our guest. She straightened my hair and dressed me in a black tank-top and a pair of stretch pants.